You will be responsible for payment of the monthly recurring fee identified above. We will bill you for this charge, including applicable tax, on a monthly basis. {0} Please note, neither free trial credits nor monetary commitment funds may be used for Marketplace purchases. These purchases are billed separately.
You used a trademark, reserved word, or a word that may be considered offensive, or the word is embedded in another word. ...
You will be billed for apps in Standard mode even if they are stopped. Are you sure you want to scale the following web apps? ...
You will be charged automatically for the maximum number of instances you manage in a month. If you enable management functionality ...
You will be responsible for payment of the monthly recurring fee identified above, and you will incur additional charges ...
You will be responsible for payment of the monthly recurring fee identified above. We will bill you for this charge, including ...
You will be responsible for payment of the monthly recurring fee identified above. We will bill you for this charge, including ...
You will need to enable storage management of source and target storage arrays with VMM Server. You will need SMI-S providers ...
You will no longer have additional units credited in the Service Bus namespace of your linked notification hub. Check the ...
You will not be charged for your free {0} database. If you change the size of your free database, it will change to a paid ...