Pick a new theme to give your document instant style and just the right personality.Each theme uses a unique set of colors, fonts and effects to create a consistent look and feel.
Permission Error. The e-mail message "^0" could not be deleted because you do not have the appropriate permission. If you ...
Permission Error. The folder "^0" could not be created because you do not have the appropriate permission. The folder has ...
Permission Error. The folder "^0" could not be moved or deleted because you do not have the appropriate permission on the ...
Permission is restricted for this message.You must open this message with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or later or Microsoft ...
Pick a new theme to give your document instant style and just the right personality.Each theme uses a unique set of colors, ...
Pick an animation to apply to objects selected on this slide. To add multiple animations to the same object, click Add Animation. ...
Pick from a list of rules to limit the type of data that can be entered in a cell.For example, you can provide a list of ...
Pick Up Object StyleCopies object attributes such as font, color, and size so they can be applied to other objects by clicking ...
Pie ChartFormats the graph, active chart, or selected embedded chart as a pie chart, replacing any formatting already in ...