Invalid format of GUID string. The correct format of the GUID string is: CDEF7890-ABCD-0123-1234-567890ABCDEF where 0-9, A-F symbolizes hexadecimal digits.
Invalid constrained table %1. Please refer to the documentation on restrictions on which table can be constrained tables. ...
Invalid direction suffix specified in the $orderby query option. Use the \"asc\" or \"desc\" suffix to specify ascending ...
Invalid field type for PresenceDataField '%1' on control '%2'. The field must be of type string, integer, int64, or guid. ...
Invalid format of GUID string. The correct format of the GUID string is {CDEF7890-ABCD-0123-1234-567890ABCDEF} where 0-9, ...
Invalid format of GUID string. The correct format of the GUID string is: CDEF7890-ABCD-0123-1234-567890ABCDEF where 0-9, ...
Invalid join mode in union query. Join mode of the second level data source for query of type union can only be exists or ...
Invalid MESSAGE handler signature of function %1. MESSAGE handler functions must have this signature (parameter names may ...
Invalid name for field {0}. Custom field names must start with a valid customization prefix. The prefix for a solution component ...
Invalid option set for control {0}. Option set must be specified either by an OptionSetName or by a non-empty Guid OptionSetId. ...