The value {0} was greater than the maximum value {1}. Specify a value less than or equal to the maximum value and try again.
The value specified in parameter '{0}' should be in the range from zero to the value specified in the password length parameter. ...
The value specified, '{0}', for the If-Modified-Since header does not parse into a valid date. Check the property value and ...
The value {0} contains an odd number of double-quote characters. Only even numbers of literal double-quote characters are ...
The value {0} is not valid for ParameterTypeSemantics attribute. Valid values are 'ExactMatchOnly', 'AllowImplicitPromotion' ...
The value {0} was greater than the maximum value {1}. Specify a value less than or equal to the maximum value and try again. ...
The value {0} was smaller than the minimum value {1}. Specify a value greater than or equal to the minimum value and try ...
The Variable bound to the 'Target' InArgument has a null value. The 'Target' InArgument should be set using a valid CompensationToken ...
The variant type is not recognized. The ActiveX serialization failed. The message cannot be sent. The specified variant type ...
The version check failed with the error: '{0}'. The version of MSMQ cannot be detected All operations that are on the queued ...