The .NET Framework version required by assembly '%1' or one of its dependencies is higher than the project target .NET Framework version. Do you want to add this reference to your project anyway?
The '|' tokens separating rules of this pattern match are misaligned by one column. Consider realigning your code or using ...
The .NET debugger has not been installed properly. The most probable cause is that mscordbi.dll is not properly registered. ...
The .NET debugger has not been installed properly. The most probable cause is that mscordbi.dll is not properly registered. ...
The .NET Framework Configuration tool is currently generating the list of assembly dependencies for this application. Please ...
The .NET Framework version required by assembly '%1' or one of its dependencies is higher than the project target .NET Framework ...
The .NET Runtime Event Provider requires setting COMPLUS_ETWEnabled=1 in your process' environment. Please be certain to ...
The .ofs file that you selected is locked by the Forms Designer in Outlook, or else is corrupted or otherwise invalid (file ...
The .svcmap file cannot be found. It may have been moved or deleted. To generate a new .svcmap file, delete the service reference ...
The .vscontent file either contains invalid attributes or specifies a code snippet for a programming language that is not ...