This is an AutoSort field. Do you want to sort it manually?• To sort manually now, and set the AutoSort options on the PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box to manual, click Yes. To display this dialog box for a field, double-click the field button, and then click Advanced.• To cancel the sort, click No.
This file was created using a later version of Excel. There is a remote possibility that certain workbook properties specific ...
This filter control shares a slicer cache with other filter controls, and cannot be connected or disconnected separately. ...
This is a list of {0:Excel} workbook file locations that you consider trustworthy.{0:ExcelServer} denies requests to open ...
This is a pre-release version of the Compatibility Pack and can open pre-release 2007 Microsoft Office files only. Do you ...
This is an AutoSort field. Do you want to sort it manually? To sort manually now, and set the AutoSort options on the PivotTable ...
This is an offline server workbook that has been opened in read-only mode. To modify this workbook, click Edit Offline, and ...
This is the list of servers that {0:ExcelServer} can use for Data Model functionality. These servers must be running SQL ...
This is the list of user-defined function assemblies that are registered with {0:ExcelServer}. Each assembly can be enabled ...
This list connects to a server using an unsupported access protocol. HTTP and HTTPS are the only protocols supported for ...