Determines which Domain Controller (DC) Locator DNS records are not registered by the Netlogon service. To enable this setting, ...

Determines which Domain Controller (DC) Locator DNS records are not registered by the Netlogon service.

To enable this setting, select Enable and specify a list of space-delimited mnemonics (instructions) for the DC Locator DNS records that will not be registered by the DCs to which this setting is applied.

Select the mnemonics from the following list:

Mnemonic         Type  DNS Record

LdapIpAddress    A     
Ldap             SRV   _ldap._tcp.
LdapAtSite       SRV   _ldap._tcp.._sites.
Pdc              SRV   _ldap._tcp.pdc._msdcs.
Gc               SRV   _ldap._tcp.gc._msdcs.
GcAtSite         SRV   _ldap._tcp.._sites.gc._msdcs.
DcByGuid         SRV
GcIpAddress      A     _gc._msdcs.
DsaCname         CNAME ._msdcs.
Kdc              SRV   _kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs.
KdcAtSite        SRV    _kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs.._sites.
Dc               SRV   _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.
DcAtSite         SRV   _ldap._tcp.._sites.dc._msdcs.
Rfc1510Kdc       SRV   _kerberos._tcp.
Rfc1510KdcAtSite SRV   _kerberos._tcp.._sites.
GenericGc        SRV   _gc._tcp.
GenericGcAtSite  SRV   _gc._tcp.._sites.
Rfc1510UdpKdc    SRV   _kerberos._udp.
Rfc1510Kpwd      SRV   _kpasswd._tcp.
Rfc1510UdpKpwd   SRV   _kpasswd._udp.

If this setting is disabled, DCs configured to perform dynamic registration of DC Locator DNS records register all DC locator DNS resource records.

If this setting is not applied to DCs, DCs use their local configuration.