The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm is a classification algorithm that works well for predictive modeling. The algorithm supports the prediction of both discrete and continuous attributes.
The Microsoft Association Rules algorithm builds rules describing which items are most likely to be appear together in a ...
The Microsoft Clustering algorithm uses iterative techniques to group records from a dataset into clusters containing similar ...
The Microsoft Data Classification and Recommendation Service detects the categories of data you've inserted in your Excel ...
The Microsoft Data Classification and Recommendation Service is not enabled, not finished categorizing your data or could ...
The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm is a classification algorithm that works well for predictive modeling. The algorithm ...
The Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover Service isn't configured to use https to encrypt the authentication credentials. Please ...
The Microsoft Linear Regression algorithm is a regression algorithm that works well for regression modeling. This algorithm ...
The Microsoft Logistic Regression algorithm is a regression algorithm that works well for regression modeling. This algorithm ...
The Microsoft Naive Bayes algorithm is a classification algorithm that is quick to build, and works well for predictive modeling. ...