The changes to the permission level '|0' will also apply to the selected groups below. Uncheck a group below if you do not want it to follow the changes you applied to '|0'.
The Change Log records many different types of changes made to SharePoint sites. This timer job is used to periodically delete ...
The Change To box contains a word that isn't in the main dictionary or custom dictionary. Do you want to use this word and ...
The change to the WBS Code Definition has resulted in tasks with WBS codes greater than 255 characters.}Project can only ...
The change(s) you have made to field '|' require the removal of your primary key selection. Do you want to proceed anyway? ...
The changes to the permission level '|0' will also apply to the selected groups below. Uncheck a group below if you do not ...
The changes to this external content type could not be be saved because of a conflict in the Business Data Connectivity Metadata ...
The changes to this external content type could not be saved because of communication issues between SharePoint Designer ...
The changes you are making will cause all users currently provisioned to go through the relay provisioning process again. ...
The changes you made can't be saved.@The save operation may have failed due to the temporary locking of the records by another ...