Usage: AXUtil.exe command command-parameterSupported commands: export - Export a model to an .axmodel file. import - Import a model from an .axmodel file. delete - Delete one or more models in a layer. create - Create a new blank model. move - Move a model to another same-layer model. view - View the content of a model or an .axmodel file. edit - Edit the model manifest properties of a model in the model store. list - Display a list of models in the model store. exists - Verify if one or more models in a layer contains model elements. schema - Create or update the model store schema. optimize - Optimize the model store for runtime performance. manifest - Retrieve the manifest for a model, model file, or template. set - Set model store settings. grant - Set permissions for creating model store schema. exportstore - Export the model store to an .axmodelstore file. importstore - Import the model store from an .axmodelstore file. genLicense - Generate a license file. Supported command-parameters: axutil export {/model: | @modelxml} /file:filename [/key:SNK-file] axutil import /file:filename{,filename} [/conflict:{reject|push|overwrite} [/targetlayer:name]] [/replace: {, }] [/createparents] [/verbose] [/noOptimize] [/noPrompt] axutil delete {/model: | @modelxml | /layer:name} [/noPrompt] [/verbose] axutil create {/model: /layer:name } | @modelxml axutil move {/model: | @modelxml /targetModel: } axutil view {/model: | @modelxml | /file:filename} [/verbose] axutil edit {/model: | @modelxml} axutil list [{/model: | @modelxml}] [/layer:name] [/verbose] axutil exists {/model: | @modelxml | /layer:name} axutil manifest [/model: | /file:filename] [/xml] axutil set {/installmode | /noinstallmode} axutil schema [/aosaccount:account] [ [/schemaname:name] | [/drop:name] ] [noprompt] axutil optimize axutil grant /aosaccount:account [/schemaname:name] axutil exportstore /file:filename [/verbose] axutil importstore {/file:filename [/idconflict:{reject|overwrite}] [[/schemaname:name] | [/backupschema:name]] | /apply:schemaname [/backupschema:name] } [/verbose] [/noPrompt] axutil genlicense /file:licensefile /certificatepath:filepath /licensecode:name /customer:name /serialnumber:number /password:value [/expirationdate:date] [/usercount:count] where = [/db:database] [/s:server] | [/config[[:aosinstance]:name] = model-name | '(' model-name , publisher ')' | model-id = {@modelxml | /manifest: = }
Updating this chart of accounts might take some time. You cannot enter or post transactions while the update is in progress. ...
Upgrade has detected %1 active endpoints in the current system. All endpoints will become integration ports in the upgraded ...
Upgrade job is dependent upon the successful completion of all upgrade tasks. Only use this option for testing or when the ...
Upload a catalog file that a vendor has provided. Enter the dates that catalog file is valid, and select whether the vendor ...
Usage: AXUtil.exe command command-parameter Supported commands: export - Export a model to an .axmodel file. import - Import ...
Usage: To display a help topic: {0} -d[ocumentset]= -t[opic]= For example: {0} -d=userdoc -t=GettingStarted To display this ...
Use a correct AOS name, the simple binding mode, or 'By organization' binding mode to connect using Active Directory integration. ...
Use one workflow to act over all lines, or select a workflow to be invoked for each line-item based on a set of conditions. ...
Use text placeholders for application and workflow data that should be part of the message. Text placeholders will be substituted ...