There was a problem enabling BITS on the virtual directory. Either the settings cannot be saved to the IIS metabase or the directory that the virtual directory was mapped to can't be accessed.
There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on disk. Run chkdsk /R on this disk and ...
There was a failure while saving your settings. You may not have permission to change the settings or you are currently using ...
There was a problem accessing the cluster or computer you specified. Please make sure you have administrative permissions ...
There was a problem accessing the log file. Ensure that the log file is not in use and you have Read/Write permission for ...
There was a problem enabling BITS on the virtual directory. Either the settings cannot be saved to the IIS metabase or the ...
There was a problem in trying to access speech services. ( .8X) Make certain that Microsoft Speech API is correctly installed. ...
There was a problem interacting with COM object %1. An outdated version might be installed, or the component might not be ...
There was a problem interacting with the PNRP service. This component might not be installed correctly. The error code received ...
There was a problem registering the extension page ({0}) that supports virtual machines in the failover cluster. '{1}' This ...