To delete a MAC address or MAC address pattern. Syntax: delete filter Parameters: MAC address|MAC address pattern - MAC address ...

To delete a MAC address or MAC address pattern. 
     delete filter  
     MAC address|MAC address pattern    - MAC address or MAC address 
                        pattern to be deleted from Allow list or Deny list. 
                        Specify either complete MAC address or MAC 
                        address pattern. See below for examples of 
                        valid and invalid Mac Addresses/Patterns. 
Notes:         Parameters in angled brackets are required. 
Example:       delete filter 00-1C-23-20-AF-4E 
               This command deletes a MAC address 00-1C-23-20-AF-4E from 
               an Allow list or Deny list. Note, a MAC address or MAC 
               address pattern can belong to only one list at a time, 
               either an Allow list or Deny list. 
               Valid MAC addresses or MAC address patterns: 
               00-1C-23-20-AF-4E - Valid MAC address containing six 
                                   octets of hexadecimal numbers. 
               00-1C-23-20-AF-*  - Valid MAC address. 
                                   Last octet is a wildcard and 
                                   first five octets are valid hex 
               00-1C-23-20-*-*   - Valid MAC address. 
                                   Last two octets are wildcards and 
                                   first four octets are valid hex 
               00-*-*-*-*-*      - Valid MAC address. 
                                   Last five octets are wildcards and 
                                   first octet is a valid hex 
               001C2320AF4E      - Valid MAC address containing six 
                                   octets of hexadecimal numbers. 
               001C*             - Valid MAC address. 
                                   Last four octets are wildcards and 
                                   first two octets are valid hex 
                                   * can placed be after any octet position 
                                   in the end of pattern other than the last octet.
               Invalid MAC addresses or MAC address patterns: 
               00-1C-*-20-AF-4E  - No hexadecimal numbers allowed 
                                   after a wildcard. 
               00-1C-23-A*-AF-4D - Wildcard cannot be partial. It applies 
                                   to whole octet. 
               00-1C-23-40-??-?? - '?' as a regex pattern is not 
               00-1C-23-20-AF-4M - 4M (last octet) is not a valid 
                                   hexadecimal number. 
               *-*-*-*-*-*       - First octet cannot be a wildcard. 
                                   It must be a valid hex number. 
               001C*20AF4E       - No hexadecimal numbers allowed 
                                   after a wildcard. 
               00-1C20AF4E       - No mix of hyphen and contiguous hexadecimal numbers allowed