24112: The well-known text (WKT) input is empty. To input an empty instance, specify an empty instance of one of the following types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, CircularString, CompoundCurve, CurvePolygon or GeometryCollection.
The visual designer supports auto-generated queries only. Switching to the visual designer will discard the query. Do you ...
The web browser couldn't be launched. Please make sure that a program to open HTTP URLs is set in the Windows Default Program. ...
The web browser couldn't be launched. Please make sure that a program to open HTTP URLs is set in the Windows Default Programs ...
The Web.Page function requires Active Scripting to be enabled in Internet Explorer options. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=506565 ...
The well-known text (WKT) input is empty. To input an empty instance, specify an empty instance of one of the following types: ...
The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files. {SFP Error: 2]. List of protected files: ...
The Windows Installer service cannot update the protected Windows file 2]. {Package version: 3], OS Protected version: 4], ...
The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file 2 because the file is protected by Windows. You may need to update ...
The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if Windows ...