Windows cannot load the extensible counter DLL %1. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the Windows error code.
Windows cannot install resource package %1 because the app package it requires could not be found. Ensure that the app package ...
Windows cannot install this certificate as a recovery certificate. Current recovery policy does not allow this certificate ...
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory.%s ...
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system.%s ...
Windows cannot load the extensible counter DLL %1. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the Windows ...
Windows cannot load the following Logical Disk Manager configuration library: "%1.dll". Logical Disk Manager might not be ...
Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt ...
Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. Contact your administrator for help locating and installing a suitable driver. ...
Windows cannot locate the disk and partition specified in the unattend answer file's %1!s! setting. Make sure the setting ...