The File Replication Service on computer %1 is stopping because the database %2 is corrupted. The database can be recovered by typing "esentutl /d %2 /l%3 /s%4". Once the database has been successfully recovered the File Replication Service can be restarted by typing "net start ntfrs".
The File Replication Service is unable to replicate with its partner computer because the difference in clock times is outside ...
The File Replication Service may be preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller while the system volume ...
The File Replication Service may be preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller while the system volume ...
The File Replication Service moved the preexisting files in %1 to %2. The File Replication Service may delete the files in ...
The File Replication Service on computer %1 is stopping because the database %2 is corrupted. The database can be recovered ...
The File Replication Service on the computer %1 cannot communicate with the File Replication Service on the computer %2. ...
The file replication service on the domain controller cannot communicate with the file replication service on this computer. ...
The File Replication Service paused because the size of a file exceeds the staging space limit. Replication will resume only ...
The File Replication Service paused because the staging area is full. Replication will resume if staging space becomes available ...