The current implementation of memstore's SetSize() doesn't support increasing the size of the stream; store was requested to extent to '%d{requestedSize/}', current size is '%d{recordCount/}'.
The cube dimensions, '{0}' and '{1}', do not have distinct hierarchy and attribute hierarchy names. The HierarchyUniqueNameStyle ...
The Culture '%{culture/}' has more than one object translation defined for the object with ID: '%lu{objectID/}' and ObjectType: ...
The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report ...
The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report ...
The current implementation of memstore's SetSize() doesn't support increasing the size of the stream; store was requested ...
The current implementation of memstore's SetSize() supports up to 4GB only; store was requested to set '%d{requestedSize/}' ...
The current model can only be expressed when the client is requesting tabular view metadata with VERSION restriction of 2.0 ...
The current query cannot be evaluated for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table, because the table contains more than two billion rows. ...
The current task requires a predictable attribute. The specified attribute, '%{Attribute/}', of the '%{Model/}' mining model ...