Use the String Left functoid to return a specified number of characters from a text item, starting with the leftmost character. This functoid requires two input parameters.
Use the Square Root functoid to calculate the square root of a numeric input parameter. This functoid requires one input ...
Use the String Concatenate functoid to concatenate a series of input strings. This functoid can accept one to one hundred ...
Use the String Extract functoid to extract a string specified by the start and end positions of an input string. This functoid ...
Use the String Find functoid to return the position in a string at which another specified string begins. This functoid requires ...
Use the String Left functoid to return a specified number of characters from a text item, starting with the leftmost character. ...
Use the String Right functoid to return a specified number of characters from a text item, starting with the rightmost character. ...
Use the String Right Trim functoid to remove trailing spaces from a text item. This functoid requires one input parameter. ...
Use the Subtraction functoid to subtract one numeric input parameter from another numeric input parameter. This functoid ...
Use the Table Extractor functoid to extract a specific column of data for each iteration of the Table Looping functoid. The ...