If the value of the award is more or less than 1.00 of an employee's fixed pay rate, enter the value here. For example, if this is a stock award, enter the value of the stock. If this is a cash award, select the 1:1 relationship option.
If the terms of delivery does not require third-party freight charge terms, the third-party name, address and Carrier account ...
If the transaction has been settled, the date for the full settlement is displayed. This date corresponds to the transaction ...
If the transaction has been settled, the date for the full settlement is displayed. This date corresponds to the transaction ...
If the transport is a partial refill, the suggested pallet ID for the pallet at the destination location, which is called ...
If the value of the award is more or less than 1.00 of an employee's fixed pay rate, enter the value here. For example, if ...
If the vendor expiry date is provided and you selected Use vendor batch date, this date is used as the actual batch expiration ...
If there are assets that qualify for special depreciation according to the Act on Taxation Special Measures, please attach ...
If there are future recurrences of this screening that are based on the status or completion date, you might need to modify ...
If there are future recurrences of this test that are based on the status or completion date, you might need to modify them. ...