Your call controls are currently not working. Your phone settings may be incorrect. Check your phone settings in Options under Phones. If you need further assistance, contact your support team.
You will be notified if the presenter wants you to speak. You will also be notified if the audience is unmuted and you can ...
You will not be able to see program sharing, PowerPoint and polling of the recording because Screen Codec(MSA1) is required. ...
You will not be able to sign in because your account is not configured to support enhanced presence features. Please contact ...
You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect email address or password, or someone else is trying to sign in ...
Your call controls are currently not working. Your phone settings may be incorrect. Check your phone settings in Options ...
Your call could not be completed because your audio device is not available. This can happen for several reasons: - The device ...
Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint web site has exceeded the storage quota limit. Contact your SharePoint ...
Your computer has a newer version of ProductName than the one you are installing. To install an older version, you must first ...
Your computer has a newer version of ProductName than the one you are trying to install. To install an older version, first ...