LocalData: Demonstrates the local data features of Visual Studio, including the Data Sources window, TableAdapters, and the BindingSource component. Also shows how to create data-bound forms without having to write code and how to connect to a database file
Local path {0} is mapped both in workspace {1} on server {2} and workspace {3} on server {4}. Removing workspace {3} on server ...
Local report processing requires FullTrust Code Access Security permissions, which is unavailable to the calling code. Grant ...
Local variable '|1' is read-only and its type is a structure. Invoking its members or passing it ByRef does not change its ...
Local variable '|1' is read-only. When its type is a structure, invoking its members or passing it ByRef does not change ...
LocalData : Demonstrates the local data features of Visual Studio, including the Data Sources window, TableAdapters, and ...
Localization Warning: Enumeration type {0}: Localized enum value string {1} was not found in the resource. Defaulting to ...
Location specified is not a valid absolute or UNC path. Enter a valid absolute (such as C:\FolderName) or UNC (such as \ServerName\FolderName) ...
Lock the selected cells to keep people from making changes to them. You must turn on Protect Sheet in order for this feature ...
Locks or unlocks a file or folder on the server. Checkout locks prevent other users from checking out items in other workspaces, ...