Error: An unrecoverable error occurred while the client was attempting to connect. Close some programs, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.
ERROR! Windows detected that oemeulatext is missing or not defined in oobeinfo.ini, or is pointing to a file which does not ...
Error, unable to modify the wellKnownObjects attribute. Verify that the domain functional level of the domain is at least ...
ERROR: Active Directory refused the request for schema upgrade: %1 (%2) If the error code is "Insufficient Rights", make ...
Error: An LDAP operation (%1) failed with the following error: LDAP Error %2!d!( 2!x!): %3 Server Win32 Error %4!u!( 4!x!): ...
Error: An unrecoverable error occurred while the client was attempting to connect. Close some programs, and then try connecting ...
Error: Failed to succcessfully scan disks for Windows installations. This error may be caused by a corrupt file system, which ...
ERROR: Failed to transfer the schema FSMO role: %1 (%2). If the error code is "Insufficient Rights", make sure you are logged ...
ERROR: Import from file %1 failed. Error file is saved in %2. If the error is "Insufficient Rights" (Ldap error code 50), ...
Error: Integrity-check of the quota-tracking table completed, but %d corruptions were detected. Quota enforcement may not ...