The header or footer cannot be longer than 255 characters including formatting tokens and other special characters. Delete some text or make the formatting less complex.
The formula you typed contains an error. For information about fixing common formula problems, click Help. To get assistance ...
The formula you typed contains an error. For information about fixing common formula problems, see Help. If you are not trying ...
The formula you typed contains an error. Try one of the following: Make sure you've included all parentheses and required ...
The header and insert rows in an empty table cannot be deleted. You must convert the table to a range to delete the specified ...
The header or footer cannot be longer than 255 characters including formatting tokens and other special characters. Delete ...
The information cannot be pasted because the cut or copy area is not the same size as the paste area. Click one cell and ...
The information cannot be pasted because the paste area is not completely on the spreadsheet. Paste into a different cell ...
The information cannot be pasted because the | area and the paste area are not the same size and shape. Try one of the following: ...
The intended operation can not be completed. Either the action has no required relationship or too many relationships apply. ...