Specifies whether to insert summarized information, such as invoice number, due date in the body of the email that you send.
Specifies whether to include VAT entries based on their status. For example, Open is useful when submitting for the first ...
Specifies whether to include VAT entries only from the specified period, or also from previous periods within the specified ...
Specifies whether to indicate that entries made in another depreciation book should be duplicated to this depreciation book. ...
Specifies whether to indicate that the Posting Date and the FA Posting Date must be the same on a journal line before posting. ...
Specifies whether to insert summarized information, such as invoice number, due date in the body of the email that you send. ...
Specifies whether to limit access to data for the data subject during daily operations. This is useful, for example, when ...
Specifies whether to mark ledger entries as corrections if they are copied to an FA general ledger journal or an FA journal ...
Specifies whether to register the user's time usage defined as the time spent from when the user logs in to when the user ...
Specifies whether to show debits as negative amounts (with minus signs) and credits as positive amounts in the matrix window. ...