Could not find the connection to the SQL Server that corresponds to the routing address {0}. Ensure the tool is connected to this server to allow investigation of runtime events
Could not find database ID %1!s!. The database ID either does not exist, or the database was dropped before a statement tried ...
Could not find object '%1!s!' or you do not have required permission or the object is not valid for adding extended property. ...
Could not find server '%1!s!' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the ...
Could not find the %1!s! index '%2!s!' on table '%3!s!'. Either no %4!s! index with this name exists, or a non-%5!s! index ...
Could not find the connection to the SQL Server that corresponds to the routing address {0}. Ensure the tool is connected ...
Could not find the default spatial tessellation scheme for the column '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!'. Make sure that the column ...
Could not find the Distributor or the distribution database for the local server. The Distributor may not be installed, or ...
Could not find the dump start point in the remote process. The process ID specified may not refer to a valid SSIS process. ...
Could not find the Snapshot Agent command line for the specified publication. Check that a valid regular snapshot job exists ...