SMS Site Backup was unable to back up file system object %1 to %2.%12 Possible cause: %1 is not readable, or %2 is not writable. ...

%11SMS Site Backup was unable to back up file system object %1 to %2.%12

Possible cause: %1 is not readable, or %2 is not writable.
Solution: Adjust file attributes and/or permissions of %1 and/or %2.

Possible cause: The destination directory %2 did not already exist, and SMS Site Backup was unable to create it.
Solution: Verify that a regular file with the same name as %2 or one of its parent directories does not exist, or replace %2 with an existing directory.

Possible cause: %1 or %2 are on remote computers that SMS Site Backup does not have sufficient access rights to administer.
Solution: Verify that the Site System Connection accounts are properly configured to allow SMS to administer the remote computer.

Possible cause: An application is using %2 or some component of its path (for example, Windows Explorer may be viewing %2's parent directory.)
Solution: Verify that %2 and its parent directories are not in use by any application.

Possible cause: Source %1 being copied to %2 may cause a recursive operation
Solution: Verify that destination folder does not exist within the source folder.

Possible cause: Source %1 contains some file(s) that is opened exclusively by some application.
Solution: Retry backup again.%0
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