The File Replication Service has detected that the staging path for the replica set %1 has changed. Current staging path ...

The File Replication Service has detected that the staging path for the replica set %1  has changed.  
 Current staging path = %2  
 New staging path = %3  
 The service will start using the new staging path after it restarts.  The service is set to restart after every reboot. It is recommended that you manually  restart the service to prevent loss of data in the staging directory. To manually restart  the service do the following:  
 [1] Run "net stop ntfrs" or use the Services snapin to stop File Replication Service.  
 [2] Move all the staging files corresponding to replica set %1 to the new staging  location. If more than one replica set are sharing the current staging directory then it  is safer to copy the staging files to the new staging directory.  
 [3] Run "net start ntfrs" or use the Services snapin to start File Replication Service.  followed by "net start ntfrs".  
English (United States)