You changed the date of this meeting occurrence. If you want to change the date of all occurrences, you must first open the meeting series. Do you want to change only this occurrence?
You cannot use this filename because it is a reserved device name. Would you like to save the tool as %1? The tool will not ...
You cannot use this filename because it is a reserved device name. Would you like to save the workspace as %1? The workspace ...
You cannot view the availability or assignments of non-enterprise (local) resources or users. Therefore, the following resources ...
You cannot view this area, either because the area no longer exists, or because you do not have the rights to view this area. ...
You changed the date of this meeting occurrence. If you want to change the date of all occurrences, you must first open the ...
You changed the date of this occurrence of " ". If you want to change the date of all the occurrences, you must first open ...
You changed the date of this occurrence of '%1'. If you want to change the date of all occurrences, you must first open the ...
You changed the initial value, calculation method, or validation information for field " ", and now you are choosing field ...
You changed the remaining duration from 0 to ^1 and Project has to assign new work to the resources. It can either use ^2 ...