An add-in component named "{0}" could not be loaded because the referenced AssemblyName "{1}" was not found. This could be due to the following reasons: 1. AssemblyName attribute for add-in does not match the name of the add-in assembly. 2. Add-in classes are missing 'AddIn' attribute or are not marked as 'public'.
All template virtual hard disks are not present on SAN copy capable logical units, hence template is not SAN copy capable. ...
All virtual IP (VIP) addresses in the address pool have been used. Contact your VMM administrator for details about this ...
All virtual machines must be deleted from %ComputerName; before the Host can be deleted. Delete the virtual machines, and ...
Allows the outgoing packets from the virtual machine adapter to be tagged with IEEE 802.1p priority. If disabled, the priority ...
An add-in component named "{0}" could not be loaded because the referenced AssemblyName "{1}" was not found. This could be ...
An add-in component named "{0}" in assembly "{1}" could not be found. This could be due to the following reasons: 1. The ...
An additional virtual hard disk (VHD) can be attached to only one virtual machine at a time. The VHD %FileName; cannot be ...
An additional virtual hard disk (VHD) can be attached to only one virtual machine at a time. The VHD %FilePath; cannot be ...
An application (%FriendlyName;) was created in the database when the pending service template was applied to the service ...