To initiate and send a push trigger to another WINS server. Syntax: init push Server=]Push server name or IP address PropReq=]0|1 ...

To initiate and send a push trigger to another WINS server.    Syntax:            init push [Server=]Push server name or IP address [[PropReq=]0|1]    Parameters:            Server         - The name of the push server to which to send                           a trigger.             PropReq        - 0-Push to the specified server only (default)                           1-Have server propagate the push trigger to                           all of its partners     Note:          If the name is provided and cannot be resolved, the                 operation fails.     Example:       init push server= propreq=1                   This command sends a push trigger to WINS server        and has it propagate the trigger to all of its                 replication partners.