The defaultAuthenticated catalogset ('{0}') as specified in the CommerceServer\catalog\catalogSets section of web.config does not exist.
The default property schema has been changed in another document. Please save or discard changes before using the 'Quick ...
The default Web access mode for this project is set to file share, but the project folder at '%1' cannot be opened with the ...
The default Web access mode for this project is set to FrontPage, but the project folder at '%1' cannot be opened with FrontPage. ...
The defaultAnonymous catalogset ('{0}') as specified in the CommerceServer\catalog\catalogSets section of web.config does ...
The defaultAuthenticated catalogset ('{0}') as specified in the CommerceServer\catalog\catalogSets section of web.config ...
The deployed schema is attempting to promote a message element into the property "{0}" (msgType="{1}"). This property is ...
The destination identifier's "%1" qualifier is too long for the output header. Please update the port with a shorter qualifier. ...
The destination identifier's "%1" value is too long for the output header. Please update the port with a shorter identifier. ...
The destination node "{0}" has {1} logical functoid input(s). The maximum number of possible logical functoid inputs to this ...