%1!s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a pinvokeimpl method. P/Invoke is not allowed in %5!s! assemblies.
s! ASSEMBLY failed because method "%2!s!" on type "%3!s!" in %4!s! assembly "%5!s!" has a synchronized attribute. Explicit ...
s! ASSEMBLY failed because method '%2!s!' on type '%3!s!' in %4!s! assembly '%5!s!' is storing to a static field. Storing ...
s! ASSEMBLY failed because the source assembly is, according to MVID, identical to an assembly that is already registered ...
s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a finalizer. Finalizers are not allowed in %5!s! assemblies. ...
s! ASSEMBLY failed because type "%2!s!" in %3!s! assembly "%4!s!" has a pinvokeimpl method. P/Invoke is not allowed in %5!s! ...
s! ASSEMBLY failed because type '%2!s!' in %3!s! assembly '%4!s!' has a static field '%5!s!'. Attributes of static fields ...
s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies ...
s! ASSEMBLY for assembly '%2!s!' failed because assembly '%3!s!' is not authorized for PERMISSION_SET = %4!s!. The assembly ...
s! cannot be null or empty when %2!s! is set to 0 (SQL Server Authentication). Specify a login or set security mode to 1 ...