Utility for exporting, managing, and importing XML files containing homed resource data from a Microsoft Lync Server 2010 ...

Utility for exporting, managing, and importing XML files containing homed resource data from a Microsoft Lync Server 2010 database.

Usage for Exporting a Microsoft Lync Server 2010 database to XML
dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:value
             [/dbname:value] [/sqlserver:value]
             [/restype:value] [/user:value] [/dirid:value]

Usage for Importing data into a Microsoft Lync Server 2010 database from XML
dbimpexp.exe /import /hrxmlfile:value /restype:value
             [/dbname:value] [/sqlserver:value]
             [/delete] [/delcontainermembers] [/movedir]
             [/user:value] [/dirid:value]
             [/errorlogfile:value] [/errorxmlfile:value] [/missingusers:value]

Usage to Filter users no longer in the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 database from an exported XML file
dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:value
             /filteredhrxml:value /missingusers:value

Usage to transform the xml file for legacy user
dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:value /legacymovetransform:value


  import              : Specifies if data is being imported.
                        Default is export, when not specified.

  hrxmlfile           : If /import is specified, or when removing users, this
                        is the homed resources XML file to read from. Else,
                        this is the homed resources XML file to generate. If
                        file exists, this file will be overwritten.

  delete              : This option can be used when /import is specified.
                        Specifying this option will delete all data associated
                        with a Homed Resource before importing information
                        for this user.
                        Default is to update a value if homed resource already
                        exists and to not delete data not being updated.

  delcontainermembers : This option can be used when /import is specified.
                        Specifying this option will delete all container
                        member data associated with a Homed Resource before
                        importing information for this user.
                        Default is to update existing container members and
                        to not delete container members not being updated.

  movedir             : This option can be used to import conference directory
                        data in advance of the directory being assigned to the
                        pool. It should be used when a conference directory
                        is being moved onto the pool, but not generally when
                        restoring a database.

  dbname              : The name of the database to connect to. Argument
                        value is a string (can be enclosed in double quotes,
                        if value contains any spaces).
                        Defaults to rtc.

  sqlserver           : The SQL server instance to connect to. The tool
                        attempts to connect using Windows Authentication.
                        Defaults to the local machine's rtc instance.

  restype             : This option gives the type of resource to import or
                        export. Possible values are "user" for homed users,
                        "confdir" for homed conference directories, and "all"
                        for all supported resource types.
                        Defaults to "all" for Export. This parameter is
                        required for Import.

  user                : User@host value (without the "sip:" prefix)
                        for the user to be imported / exported. When
                        specified, only this user is processed, and the value
                        "user" is implied for the restype argument.
                        Defaults to importing / exporting all users.

  dirid               : Conference directory id, an integer, for the conference
                        directory to be imported / exported. When specified,
                        only this conference directory is processed, and the
                        value "confdir" is implied for the restype argument.
                        Defaults to importing / exporting all conference

  errorlogfile        : This option can be used when /import is specified.
                        This is the file for storing errors that occur
                        during import.
                        Default is to use a system generated temporary file.

  errorxmlfile        : This option can be used when /import is specified.
                        This is the file to store the XML for only
                        those users that failed to be imported.
                        Default is to use a system generated temporary file.

  maxsqlcon           : The maximum number of SQL Server connections to use.
                        Defaults to 3 for Export and 4 for Import.

  filteredhrxml       : Output file with references to the users in the
                        /ignorefile removed. Must be different than /hrxmlfile.
                        This parameter is required for Filter.

  missingusers        : Specifies a file for users not found in the database.
                        The file should contain one missing user URI per line.
                        When specified for Import, creates a file for users
                        that cannot be found, to be reviewed and used as an
                        input for the Filter operation.
                        Default for Import is to use a system generated
                        temporary file. This parameter is required for Filter.

  legacymovetransform  : Specify the output file for transformation that is
                        needed for user to move to legacy server.