You are trying to import storyboard shape category "{0}", which is already loaded (current version is v{1}). Do you want to replace the existing category with the new one?
You are renaming a file. Would you also like to perform a rename in this project of all references to the code element '%1'? ...
You are running setup as a local machine account and your machine is part of a domain. Only domain accounts are supported ...
You are trying to add work items that are not in the selected team project for this Microsoft Project file. Only the work ...
You are trying to edit a resource file that is a part of another project item (such as a form or a control). Editing this ...
You are trying to import storyboard shape category "{0}", which is already loaded (current version is v{1}). Do you want ...
You are trying to import storyboard shape category "{0}", which is already loaded (current version is v{1}, new version is ...
You are trying to move or rename item(s) under source control. The source control provider for %1 is unable to remember these ...
You are trying to move the solution file itself to a different folder. Please unbind the solution file from source control ...
You are using a build definition that is based on an older version of the build process template. If you are using LabDefaultTemplate ...