An attempt to split the index verification stage into %1 or less passes has failed. Windows will not be able to check your disk at full speed.
An attempt to send the fax failed. There was no dial tone. This fax will not be sent, because the maximum number of retries ...
An attempt to set a processes DebugPort or ExceptionPort was made, but a port already exists in the process or an attempt ...
An attempt to set the Directory Services Restore Mode administrator password has been made. Caller Username: %1 Caller Domain: ...
An attempt to set the process default activation context failed because the process default activation context was already ...
An attempt to split the index verification stage into %1 or less passes has failed. Windows will not be able to check your ...
An attempt to transfer the operations master role represented by the following object failed. Object: %1 Current operations ...
An attempt to use the specified cluster name failed because an enabled computer object with the given name already exists ...
An attempt to write to the file "%4" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed after %10 seconds with system error %8: "%9". The write ...
An attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos constrained delegation request for a target outside of the server's ...