Could not open File Control Bank (FCB) for invalid file ID %1!s! in database '%2!s!'. Verify the file location. Execute DBCC CHECKDB.
Could not obtain the minimum LSN of the change table associated with capture instance '%1!s!' from function 'sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn'. ...
Could not open a handle to the remote process. Check that you have enough priviledges on this system to obtain PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS ...
Could not open database %1!s!. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. If the database is used for ...
Could not open distribution database %1!s! because it is offline or being recovered. Replication settings and system objects ...
Could not open File Control Bank (FCB) for invalid file ID %1!s! in database '%2!s!'. Verify the file location. Execute DBCC ...
Could not open key: 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. ...
Could not open registry subkey: {1} in registry hive '{0}'. Examine if this subkey exists and has read-write permissions. ...
Could not perform the operation because the requested memory grant was not available in resource pool '%1!s!' (%2!s!). Rerun ...
Could not post message '%1!s!' from server instance '%2!s!' because there is insufficient memory. Reduce non-essential memory ...