LABEL [drive:][label] LABEL [/MP] [volume] [label] drive: Specifies the drive letter of a drive. label Specifies the label of the volume. /MP Specifies that the volume should be treated as a mount point or volume name. volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. If volume name is specified, the /MP flag is unnecessary.
Kerberos Policy Changed: Changed By: User Name: %1 Domain Name: %2 Logon ID: %3 Changes made: ('-' means no changes, otherwise ...
Key file path not specified. A path to a local file must be specified. This file will be created and the encryption key written ...
Key name specified more than once. Likely causes are: 1) the KEYNAME tag is defined multiple times in this category 2) this ...
KeyContainerName - key container name of the key to verify Defaults to machine keys. Use -user for user keys CACertFile - ...
LABEL drive:][label LABEL /MP volume label drive: Specifies the drive letter of a drive. label Specifies the label of the ...
LastCounter and LastHelp values of performance registry is corrupted and needs to be updated. The first and second DWORDs ...
Lazy Write Flushes/sec is the rate at which the Lazy Writer thread has written to disk. Lazy Writing is the process of updating ...
Lazy Write Pages/sec is the rate at which the Lazy Writer thread has written to disk. Lazy Writing is the process of updating ...
LDAP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) will be unavailable at this time because the server was unable to obtain a certificate. ...