When you enter a password protected section, (!idspnOneNote) will keep the section unlocked for a period of time. You can specify how long (!idspnOneNote) keeps such sections unlocked.
When you double-click a button on the Drawing toolbar, the button remains active until you click another button or begin ...
When you enable ratings, two ratings fields (average rating and number of ratings) are added to the content types available ...
When you enable search query logging, records of queries will be stored in the Shared Services Provider database. You can ...
When you enable Self-Service Site Creation, an announcement will be added to the Announcements list on the home page of the ...
When you enter a password protected section, (!idspnOneNote) will keep the section unlocked for a period of time. You can ...
When you enter a password protected section, it remains unlocked for a period of time. You can lock any unlocked sections ...
When you finish configuring services for all servers, return to the Central Administration Home Page for additional tasks. ...
When you have finished arranging your envelope, click Next. Then you can preview each recipient's envelope and make any individual ...
When you have finished arranging your label, click Next. Then you can preview each recipient's label and make any individual ...