Define the number of days that items assigned to this loan type can be overdue. This number is the default number of days when you assign the loan type to a new loan item. You can change the number for a specific item.
Define the factor by which to increase the quantity of all sales quotation lines that will be copied. For example, if you ...
Define the financial dimension combinations for budget control. When budget control is turned on, the financial dimension ...
Define the financial dimension combinations that make up a budget group, which you can use to pool budget resources. When ...
Define the maximum number of points that can be obtained for a result group. This value is calculated by adding the highest ...
Define the number of days that items assigned to this loan type can be overdue. This number is the default number of days ...
Define the operation number. This can be an alphanumeric string of up to ten characters. The operation number defines where ...
Define the threshold amount, qualifiers, and asset groups for the selected legal entity. If you set a threshold amount for ...
Define the threshold amount, qualifiers, and asset groups that apply to the entire organization. If the unit price of an ...
Define the transaction text. #M = Employee, #R = Expense report no., #C = Cost type, #D1 = From date, #D2 = To date, #T15 ...