|9 can't save your changes to this bound OLE object.@Either you don't have permission to write to the record in which the object is stored, or the record is locked by another user.Copy the object to the Clipboard (select the object and click Copy on the Edit menu), and click Undo Current Record on the Edit menu. Then open the application you used to create the object, paste the object from the Clipboard, and save it.@@1@1@10222@1
can't save the output data to the file you've selected.@* The file may be open. If so, close it, and then save the output ...
can't save the query.@* The query is a pass-through query and can't be represented as a simple SQL string. Save the query ...
can't save this database to a different version, because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects, and then try again.@1@3 ...
can't save this table.@There are no fields in this table.@Define at least one field by entering a field name and selecting ...
can't save your changes to this bound OLE object.@Either you don't have permission to write to the record in which the object ...
can't send this e-mail message.@Before attempting to send an e-mail message from |9, resolve the problem identified in the ...
can't send this format in a mail message.@To send this format in a mail message, click Export on the File menu, or use the ...
can't set the LimitToList property to No right now.@The first visible column, which is determined by the ColumnWidths property, ...
can't set this property to No right now.@You cannot set the Allow Form View, Allow Datasheet View, Allow PivotTable View, ...