Could not create a private heap. Sql debugging disabled. Try and exit some applications and/or increase virtual memory size.
Could not connect to the report server {0}. Verify that the TargetServerURL is valid and that you have the correct permissions ...
Could not connect to the Web server for page '{0}'. {1}. Check that the Web server is running and visible on the network ...
Could not copy the test assembly's application configuration file from '{0}' while setting up assembly resolution settings. ...
Could not create a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax ...
Could not create a private heap. Sql debugging disabled. Try and exit some applications and/or increase virtual memory size. ...
Could not create or move file '%1'. The number of characters in the complete path name exceeds the file system limits. Reduce ...
Could not create the local store in the specified folder, please select a different location. Check the event log for details. ...
Could not determine whether '%1' is a multifile assembly. The assembly manifest may be corrupt. Assuming a non-multifile ...
Could not find a Code Snippet titled 'Method Stub - Body', or could not find a literal in that snippet whose ID is 'signature'. ...