An enumerated integer that indicates whether or not the referenced CIM_SettingData instance represents outstanding changes ...

An enumerated integer that indicates whether or not the referenced CIM_SettingData instance represents outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced CIM_ManagedElement that are known to be pending and are in the process of being applied. A value of 0 \"Unknown\" indicates that the referenced instance of CIM_SettingData may represent the last configuration applied to the referenced CIM_ManagedElement. A value of 2 \"Is Pending\" shall indicate that the referenced instance of CIM_SettingData represents outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced CIM_ManagedElement that are known to be pending. A value of 3 \"Is Not Pending\" shall indicate that the referenced instance of CIM_SettingData does not represent outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced CIM_ManagedElement.
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