SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service.
Synchronous overlapped read page time error %4 occurred. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous ...
Synchronous read page checksum error %4 occurred. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous backup. ...
Syntax Error: the test name must be followed by a DNS domain name and the operation, e.g.: /test:DcPromo / ...
SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed ...
SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed ...
Syntax: dsadd conn -to -from -transport (rpc | ip | smtp) -enabled {yes | no} -name -desc -manual {yes | no} -autobacksync ...
Syntax: dsadd group -secgrp {yes | no} -scope {l | g | u} -samid -desc -memberof -members {-s | -d } -u -p { | *} -q {-uc ...
Syntax: dsadd slink -transport {ip | smtp} -cost -replint -desc -autobacksync {yes | no} -notify {yes | no} {-s | -d } -u ...
Syntax: dsadd user -samid -upn -fn -mi -ln -display -empid -pwd { | *} -desc -memberof -office -tel -email -hometel -pager ...