VISUALTOTALS=1=«Set», «Pattern»=Returns a set generated by dynamically totaling child members in a specified set, optionally using a pattern for the name of the parent member in the result set.
Views and inline functions cannot return xml columns that are typed with a schema collection registered in a database other ...
Views referencing tables on multiple servers are not updatable in the edition of this SQL Server instance '%1!s!'. See books ...
Violation of tabular data stream (TDS) protocol. This is most often caused by a previous exception on this task. The last ...
Virtual directories for the report server or Report Manager were not found for the instance to be upgraded. Upgrade can continue, ...
VISUALTOTALS=1= Set , Pattern =Returns a set generated by dynamically totaling child members in a specified set, optionally ...
VLog Filespec Optional. Writes all Integration Services package events to the log providers that were enabled when the package ...
Warning ! The message with the same language Id as the default language Id of destination, is not present in source. Hence ...
Warning : Total CPU Time is summation of Total CPU time for each static SQL statement in the batch. It does not include CPU ...
Warning! The maximum key length is %1!s! bytes. The index '%2!s!' has maximum length of %3!s! bytes. For some combination ...