SMS Client Configuration Manager reports that queue "%1" contains %2 Client Configuration Requests (CCRs), which exceeds ...

%11SMS Client Configuration Manager reports that queue "%1" contains %2 Client Configuration Requests (CCRs), which exceeds the queue's threshold.%12

Possible cause: If the Incoming queue threshold (default 100) or the Processing queue threshold (default 150) is being exceeded, there might suddenly be many clients needing installation, in which case simply be aware that it will take a while to get them all installed. However, it is more likely that this error means SMS Client Configuration Manager is not processing CCRs properly.
Solution: Stop and restart SMS Client Configuration Manager. You can use SMS Service Manager, which is invoked from the SMS Administrator console, to stop and start components.

Possible cause: If the Retry queue's threshold (default 150) is being exceeded, there is probably a client access problem.
Solution: Verify that the SMS Service account or (if specified) the SMS Client Remote Installation account have the required privileges, as specified in the SMS documentation.%0
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