A Windows Filtering Platform sub-layer has been changed. Subject: Security ID: %2 Account Name: %3 Process Information: Process ID: %1 Provider Information: Provider ID: %4 Provider Name: %5 Change Information: Change Type: %6 Sub-layer Information: Sub-layer ID: %7 Sub-layer Name: %8 Sub-layer Type: %9 Additional Information: Weight: %10
A Windows Filtering Platform provider context has been changed. Process ID: %1 User ID: %2 User name: %3 Provider ID: %4 ...
A Windows Filtering Platform provider context has been changed. Subject: Security ID: %2 Account Name: %3 Process Information: ...
A Windows Filtering Platform provider has been changed. Process ID: %1 User ID: %2 User name: %3 Change type: %4 Provider ...
A Windows Filtering Platform provider has been changed. Subject: Security ID: %2 Account Name: %3 Process Information: Process ...
A Windows Filtering Platform sub-layer has been changed. Subject: Security ID: %2 Account Name: %3 Process Information: Process ...
A Windows Filtering Platform sublayer has been changed. Process ID: %1 User ID: %2 User name: %3 Provider ID: %4 Provider ...
A Windows Firewall setting in the %1 profile has changed. New Setting: Type: %2 Value: %5 Modifying User: %7 Modifying Application: ...
A Windows installation that is currently inaccessible has been found, would you like to repair the startup options and set ...
A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now? Click Yes to download and install the update or click No ...