Usage: %1!s! interface= authMode=]machineOrUser|machineOnly|userOnly|guest ssoMode]=preLogon|postLogon|none maxDelay]=1-120 ...

Usage: %1!s! [[interface=]]         [[authMode=]machineOrUser|machineOnly|userOnly|guest]         [[ssoMode]=preLogon|postLogon|none] [[maxDelay]=1-120]         [[allowDialog]=yes|no] [[userVLAN]=yes|no]   Parameters:      Tag              Value     name           - Name of the profile to be modified.     interface      - Name of the interface on which the profile is set.     authMode       - Type of credentials to be used for authentication.     ssoMode        - Type of single sign on to be attempted if any.     maxDelay       - Timeout value to establish single sign on connection.     allowDialog    - Allow or Disallow a dialog to be shown for preLogon.     userVLAN       - Specify if the network switches to a different VLAN on user authentication.  Remarks:      Modifies the specified profile name. If the interface is specified then     only profiles on that interface are modified.      At least one parameter besides interface must be specified.  Examples:      %1!s! authMode=userOnly ssoMode=preLogon     %1!s! interface="Local Area Connection" ssoMode=none