-- npsdb is variable that contains the new name of the new database. -- The UI will declare the variable and initialize it based on the user input. -- The following statements will be execute prior to the following script: -- DECLARE @npsdb nvarchar(MAX) -- SET @npsdb = database name from the connection string exec(N'CREATE DATABASE [' + @npsdb + N'] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS') exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'autoclose', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'bulkcopy', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'trunc. log', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'torn page detection', N'true' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'read only', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'dbo use', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'single', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'autoshrink', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'ANSI null default', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'recursive triggers', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'ANSI nulls', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'concat null yields null', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'cursor close on commit', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'default to local cursor', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'quoted identifier', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'ANSI warnings', N'false' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'auto create statistics', N'true' exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'auto update statistics', N'true' if( ( (@@microsoftversion / power(2, 24) = 8) and (@@microsoftversion 0xffff >= 724) ) or ( (@@microsoftversion / power(2, 24) = 7) and (@@microsoftversion & 0xffff >= 1082) ) ) exec sp_dboption @npsdb, N'db chaining', N'false' GO
NPS cannot log accounting information in the secondary data store (%1). NPS will continue to process connection requests ...
NPS configured as a NAP health policy server processes connection requests and enforces NAP client health policy locally ...
NPS configured as a RADIUS proxy forwards connection requests to other RADIUS servers that are members of a remote RADIUS ...
NPS configured as a RADIUS server processes connection requests locally by performing authentication and authorization. To ...
npsdb is variable that contains the new name of the new database. - The UI will declare the variable and initialize it based ...
NSAP Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address record. Maps a DNS domain name to a single NSAP address of any supported ...
NSAPPTR Network Service Access Point pointer (NSAP-PTR) record. The function of the NSAP-PTR record is similar to that of ...
NSPI max connection limit for the user has reached. You need to do NSPI unbind on old connections before making new connections. ...
NT image checksum (usually set at link time), as listed in the NT image header; it is a hash used to verify the image was ...