Alter table '%1!s!' failed because the added fixed column might cause existing data to go beyond the maximum allowable table row size of %2!s! bytes.
Alter partition function statement failed. Cannot repartition table '%1!s!' by altering partition function '%2!s!' because ...
Alter schema collection cannot be performed because the current schema has a lax wildcard or an element of type xs:anyType. ...
ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. It cannot be performed on a schema collection that allows laxly validated content and is ...
ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. Revalidation of XML columns in table '%1!s!' did not succeed due to the following reason: ...
Alter table '%1!s!' failed because the added fixed column might cause existing data to go beyond the maximum allowable table ...
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN ADD ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column already exists in table '%1!s!' with ROWGUIDCOL property. ...
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN DROP ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column does not exist in table '%1!s!' with ROWGUIDCOL property. ...
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because '%1!s!' is the only data column in table '%2!s!'. A table must have at least one data ...
ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added that can contain nulls, or have a DEFAULT definition specified, or the column ...