The worker process cannot access the CLR configuration file at '%1'. Verify that the file exists and that the worker process has read access to the file.
The wizard will create a shared folder on the namespace server. To modify the settings of the shared folder, such as its ...
The WLANSVC service is not running. Depending on the wireless software running on this computer, the Wireless Network Setup ...
The WLANSVC service provides the logic required to configure, discover, connect to, and disconnect from a wireless local ...
The words and expressions contained in the body of a communication. For example, the text of an e-mail message, bulletin ...
The worker process cannot access the CLR configuration file at '%1'. Verify that the file exists and that the worker process ...
The worker process failed to initialize communication with the W3SVC and therefore could not be started. The data is the ...
The worker process for app pool '%1', PID='%2', failed to initialize the http.sys communication when asked to start processing ...
The worker process for application pool '%1' encountered an error '%2' trying to read configuration data from file '%3', ...
The worker process for application pool '%1' encountered an error '%2' trying to read global module configuration data from ...