Data synchronization from Active Directory has completed successfully. The synchronization process took %1 seconds. The next synchronization is scheduled to run in %2 minutes.
Data for this user has not been imported. This user's delegate does not exist in AD, is improperly homed or has not yet been ...
Data MCU Archiving agent is not available. Cause: The message queuing service is not available Resolution: Ensure the message ...
Data MCU Archiving agent is not available. Data archiving location: %1 Cause: The data archiving file share could not be ...
Data synchronization from Active Directory failed. The following exception was thrown during the synchronization process: ...
Data synchronization from Active Directory has completed successfully. The synchronization process took %1 seconds. The next ...
Data synchronization from Active Directory has started and changes to agents, distribution lists, and groups are being applied. ...
Data synchronization from Active Directory is already running. The current request to start the update will be ignored. Resolution: ...
Database connection failure. The MCU factory failed to connect to the %1 database located on the %2 sever. Failure occurrences: ...
Database version check failed. Expected DB schema version is %1. Received %2 Expected DB sproc version is %3. Received %4 ...